Daniel Bonvell

First, let me thank you guys for doing what you do. Shane’s youtube video comparing shoulder impingement to the hips was the gold nugget I’ve been searching for. I watched the interview Shane had with Richard L and I immediately purchased the FAI fix and was up till at least till 2am; I read through everything and started deep tissue and stretches that night or morning. Best sleep I’ve gotten in a long time.

I’m 29 now and grew up playing a lot of sports but where I think it all started was from rollerblading. I played a lot of roller hockey and I would pivot my left leg sideways and drag the skate to slow down/stop. By the time I was a junior in high school, I noticed a tightness in the groin area on my left side. Never hurt, just tight. Stretches never really made it go away so I dealt with it.

By the time I was 20ish, I bought my first 5 speed camaro with a clutch. Few months after that I noticed now the left side of my hip felt tight all the time. I had been working at a pizza shop for a few years and I would find myself taking weight off my left side and bearing it on the right leg because of the tightness on the left side. Again, never too painful, just a tightness and pulling sensation like those muscles were a stretched/taught rubber band inside.

When I was 21 to 22 I really started noticing a pinching type sensation in the back of the hip area. I was dull and really only predominate after a tough day when I’d get a chance to sit down and relax.

I started working for my fathers home repairs/remodeling business when I was around 26. With this job, came the “agony”. Constantly up and down ladders, sometimes on my knees all day flooring or carrying heavy loads, tool belt full of tools. I could make it through the day but by the end of it, I was hurting. Now that dull pain in back of my hips became quite sharp and very inhibiting. Left hamstring was very tight all the time. Stretching quite frankly hurt and didn’t offer much relief. Trying to extend that leg forward in a “long stride” was very painful.

At this point, it was affecting almost every aspect of my life. Standing straight up hurt and basically I found myself walking around like an old man at night, hunched over. Mornings and through out the day weren’t pain free by any means but the tightness and pain wouldn’t be so bad if I as moving and staying loose. The second I’d post up or stand still I’d feel that sharp pain in my hip. I’m 27 at this point and because our generation grew up on the internet, all the answers are out there. Everything pointed to, one way or another, surgery. Quite frankly, people I see that have gone under the knife, are NEVER what they used to be or even pain free.

So 28 rolls around and I’m hurting pretty much all the time, I absolutely refuse pain killers and believe they do more harm than anything else. At this point, sleeping is tough. It hurt to just lay flat on my back. If I slept on my side at all, I’d be paying for it the next day. The pain would keep me up, and when I would get to sleep, I’d wake up about 3 am on fire and sweating bullets.

Like I said, I started doing the program immediately (minus the exercises). I was really tight at this point and the donkey kicks and bridges caused quite a bit of pain so I decided for the first week, I’d just focus on doing the deep tissue work and corresponding stretches. The first session was a bit rough to get through but almost immediately after doing each stretch (after the tissue work) I could feel that tightness melt away. The moment I finished the wall glute stretch and began go into the relaxed position; I just felt this explosion of hotness followed by this cooling wave that just flooded that whole area. I never felt anything like it. Literally like I had peed my pants and then rush of a cooling sensation. I stood right up, and knew this was the answer I had been looking for. A week into it and I had my first pain free day in over 10 years. And I haven’t even begun reactivation exercises yet!

This is the most optimistic I’ve been in years. Really feel like my future has been given back to me. I appreciate everything you guys have put into this program. It was extremely understandable and very reassuring. I teared up reading scenario 1. That was the first time anyone has been able to describe what I was going through. From watching the testimonials, I was expecting a minimum of 3 weeks before I’d start to feel some relief. So you can understand why I was so blown away after 1 week.


50% Complete

Two Step

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