Mary M.

I am a distance runner with right FAI cam type. I am 6 weeks into the FAI fix program and have made more progress than the previous 10 months of physical therapy.

When I was diagnosed with FAI and a labral tear I was hopeful that I would be a surgical candidate in spite of already having mild arthritis in my hip. The surgeon that made the diagnosis is an expert in FAI arthroscopic procedures. He told me that I would be better off doing deep tissue work and strengthening since there was a significant chance the surgery would not resolve all the symptoms.

I have been working with 2 physical therapists, a chiropractor/ART and a personal trainer. While I appreciate the help I have gotten from each one of them, it was one of the therapists who said it best that what I needed was for someone to “put all the pieces together and there just isn’t anyone who does that”.

So thank you guys for “putting it all together” because your plan appears to be working for me.


50% Complete

Two Step

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